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About Us

How it all started...

In 1996 a model railroader and good friend of the company founder Rodrigo Supper bought a track planning program in order to be able to plan his model railway project. The program was frighteningly bad (we won't mention the name of the program here). Rodrigo Supper then promised him to develop a better program himself. No sooner said than done - that was the starting signal for Railroad-Professional. A year later, in 1997, the program was made available to the public as freeware, where it quickly became well-known.

...and today

In 2006 Rodrigo Supper founded the company rosutec®, which develops a wide range of industry solutions. However, the burning passion for Railroad-Professional has remained: a small group of enthusiastic model railroaders, consisting of the company founder himself, who continues to carry out the entire software development, and some model railway freaks, who provide consulting and service, still form the backbone for Railroad-Professional.

Our motto

Right from the start, the goal was to align Railroad-Professionals as closely as possible to the needs of model railroaders. The guiding principle was and is a saying of the famous physicist Albert Einstein:

“ Keep things as simple as possible,
but not simpler! ”

Albert Einstein   

Railroad Professional achieves its intuitive operation not by limiting the user in his possibilities, but by a consistently logical and clear operating concept, while reducing to the essentials - but not less!

We will continue to develop Railroad-Professional in this spirit. And this is a promise you can confidently invest in!